Feel free to talk to our online representative at any time you please using our Live Chat system on our website or one of the below instant messaging programs.
Please be patient while waiting for response. (24/7 Support!) Phone General Inquiries: +88 01716 956 296
Local Address:
- Bangladesh Office:
R.A – Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka-1206 - C.A – Sector-4, Uttara, Dhaka-1230
Telephone: +88 09696056296
Mobile: +88 01716 956 296
E-mail: [email protected]
Global Address:
- United State Office:
183 Street, Hollis, New York-11423
Telephone: +1 (347) 956-2816
Skype: sumanfakir / hexasoftbd
E-mail: [email protected]