Affordable Web Design Packages

Get Standard Website By Paying Small Budget!

Company Website
Start at
Responsive Design
Basic Information Pages
Contact Form
Fast loading
Social media integration
Easy to Update
Affordable to improve
Security Features
Call Now!
E-Commerce Website
Start at
Responsive Design
Modern & Clean Interface
Customer Relationship
Shipping Options
Service/Product Page(s)
Store Management
Easy to Update
Security Features
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Newspaper Website
Start at
Responsive Design
Modern & Clean Interface
Breaking News
Multi-column Layout
Functional Sidebar
Frequent Content Updates
Social Media Integration
Security Features
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Blogging Website
Start at
Responsive Design
Basic Information Pages
Contact Form
Blog Post Archive
Comment System
Beginner Friendly
Social Media Integration
Security Features
Callback Request
Educational Website
Start at
Responsive Design
Basic Information Pages
Contact Form
Powerful CMS
Powerful Calendar
Powerful Database
Dynamic Notice Board
Security Features
Callback Request
Portfolio Website
Start at
Responsive Design
Basic Information Pages
Contact Form
Service Page(s)
Social Media Integration
Project Gallery
Blog Setup
Security Features
Callback Request

Web Design and Development Company in Bangladesh

What is website?

Website is a virtual arena of digital presence published into web server with a domain name with single or multiple relevant windows called web pages.  Web pages are presentation with combination of graphics, info-graphics, contents and multimedia. Web pages are constructed with markup language of HTML, style sheet language of CSS and programming languages of PHP, JAVA, ASP.NET C, C++, Python, Ruby, JavaScript etc.

Websites could have distinct functions and can be used of various gestures. It could be

  • A personal website
  • A corporate website for any business organization
  • An e-commerce website
  • A blogging website
  • A community website
  • A government website
  • A non-government organization website
  • Educational, research or any other institutional website etc.

Whatever the types websites are typically devoted to a particular topic or purpose ranging from entertainment, education, information, news and social networking etc. For example, Hexa Soft is a corporate website that offers all key web related services of domain, hosting, web design and development in Bangladesh to different beneficiaries. 

Why website?

Information technology has removed all the boundaries at least in the virtual world and grouped the entire world into single umbrella. In an information gateway of World Wide Web, we don’t have any limitation of introducing ourselves or get information of others, here both the exhibitor and follower integrates into a common cause in a single platform that is a website. Knowing or make known of anything or anybody requires no boundary today, no geographical limitations, no cultural hindrance; all these have been possible through a nicely crafted website. An adequately informed website properly quenches the thirst of clients’ query, helps in rational decision making and save cost and effort to both the parties in information disseminating and hunting.

For example, Hexa Soft in its corporate website delivers all relevant and related information of its services for their existing and prospective clients. They exhibit their different services of web design &development in Bangladesh. And also they offer relevant essential services of domain and hosting with their features, offerings, pricing and payment procedure. They also mention indentures, support services during and after sales etc.

Web design and development scenario in Bangladesh.

We Bangladesh is comparatively fresh in our IT industry, but recently the craze of IT has boomed extremely in Digital Bangladesh. A lion share of our citizens falls in between golden age of 15-54 which is over 60%, these large pools of population is extensively curious about information technology which has given them intention of digital presence.

Business organizations are realizing the importance of

  • Nicely presented website,
  • Booming of e-commerce business in Bangladesh,
  • Affiliate marketing business,
  • Emergence of different other web related business and
  • Introduction of 4G in mobile technology etc.

All these have webbed geographically dispersed population close and connected to information highway and urged the importance of website. Subsequently web design and development has become important in Bangladesh.

Earlier businesses perceived websites as unwilling expenses whose benefits were foggy to them but now a day the importance of website is becoming speciously clear in branding and promotion. Now spending on website and its search engine optimization (SEO) is being considered valuable asset.

Earlier we had limitations in personnel who are adept in web designing programming but recently that shortcoming has elevated a lot. The result is cost of website making has lowered significantly and quality has increased a lot. Subsequently excellent website making has been affordable than ever before. We Hexa Soft is now offering different website packages with stunning and affordable packages which is unbeatable in market compare to supreme quality web design and development services in Bangladesh.

Now a day’s distinctive features of static, dynamic, responsive, awesome and eye-catching design, parallax effect, infinite homepage layouts, jQuery, multilingual support etc. has given web designing in Bangladesh a new height and new prospects. We can work for any customized designed theme or any ready made theme as par client’s choice.

Hexa Soft has six unique packages in web designing services including,

  1. Company website starting from BDT 7500
  2. E-commerce website starting from BDT 10000
  3. Newspaper website starting from BDT 7500
  4. Blogging website starting from BDT 7500
  5. Education website starting from BDT 8000 and
  6. Portfolio website starting from BDT 7500

We serve all industries including B2B, B2C, E-commerce, Enterprise, Education, NGO and Startups.